
Parish Monthly Newsletter June 2023



Parish Monthly Newsletter June 2023

Welcome to St. Anthony’s Church

We kindly ask that you respect our Parish Church guidance:

¨ Please turn off your mobile phone when you enter the Church.

¨ Please remember that many parishioners like to pray before/after the mass so please be respectful and keep talking/noise to a minimum.

¨ People displaying any symptoms of Covid should stay at home and not travel to church or participate in person.

¨ Hand sanitiser is available near the entrances to the Church.

¨ The use of face masks is a personal choice.

¨ Holy Communion can now be received on the tongue or on the hand and The Sign of Peace can now be carried out with handshakes (if you so wish).


Mass times:

Mondays to Saturdays:  9.30am (and 7.30pm on Tuesdays)

Sunday Masses:             6pm (Saturday evenings); 9.30am; 11.15am and 5.30pm

Every Friday at 7:30pm: Adoration and Benediction.

Please note that after week day masses The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for 30 minutes so that parishioners can pray for world peace.

The parish website has details of the weekly Mass Intentions.


Sunday Teas: Sunday teas and coffees are served in the Parish Centre after the Sunday 9.30am mass.

This month the following groups will be serving the teas:

4th June:  The Knights of St Columba

11th June:  The Parish Pastoral Council

18th June: The Union of Catholic Mothers

Parish Quiz Night:

Please keep the evening of Friday 14th July free in your diary for the Parish Quiz Night.  Further details will be announced nearer the time.

Parish Pilgrimage:

This year’s Parish Pilgrimage will be on Saturday 9th September to visit The Oratory of St Francis de Sales in Hartley, Kent.  For further information about the Oratory please visit the website at  Further details about the pilgrimage will be advertised nearer the time.

First Holy Communion (27th May 2023):

Please pray for all the children making their First Holy Communion on Saturday 27th May.  We pray that their day is a special one and that their journey with God continues to enlighten and enrich their lives.

A request for support from Stella Maris

Sea Sunday is vitally important for Stella Maris.  It is a day when we come together to pray for seafarers, fishers and their families, and give thanks for the vital role they play in all our lives.  It is also the day, once a year, when we ask for donations from church congregations to ensure that we can continue our essential work.  But we cannot spread the word about the work of Stella Maris without someone telling the stories of the seafarers and fishers whom we support.  We know from experience that when someone speaks about the work of Stella Maris in their church, donations double.  It really makes a big difference.  Sea Sunday is on 9th July this year and we need parish volunteers to speak to the congregation.  We will provide all the materials you need, from an appeal script, to gift aid envelopes and posters.  If you, or a friend or family member, would like to find out more about how you can help this Sea Sunday, please contact me at or call me on 07887 893763. Your support will really help to make Sea Sunday bigger and better in your parish – which in turn will benefit more seafarers and fishers.

Mass in Celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage, Sept. 23rd , 3pm, at St George’s Cathedral:  If you are celebrating your 1st/10th/25th/40th/50th/60th + wedding anniversary this year, please get in touch with us, no later than the end of July, at, writing your parish location in the title of your email, eg. Anerley.  Please also provide the following details:  your names in the format John and Mary Smith, your home address, the anniversary you are celebrating, so you can receive an invitation from the Archbishop for the renewal of vows during Mass.  Spaces are limited.

Gift Aid Envelopes: Please collect your box from the back of the Church.  Please note that if you are a basic rate UK tax payer, and are not yet a member of the Gift Aid Scheme, completing a Gift Aid envelope (at the back of the Church) will help to support the Church even further.  Donating through Gift Aid means that the Church can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you give.  It will not cost you any extra.

Catholic Worker Farm Open Day: Saturday 10th June from 3pm onwards.  The farm accommodates 19 refugee women and children. There will be an international buffet, live performances and a house tour. It’s totally free! Bring your friends and family. For more information, check out their website or call them at 01923777201. Their address is Lynsters Farm, Old Uxbridge Road, Rickmansworth, WD39XJ.

A Day of Celebration at AylesfordOn Sunday 2nd July, there will be a day exploring creative prayer for those with disabilities and special needs.  Please see for further information.

Dignitas Personae et Amor DeiFrom Tuesday 4th July to Thursday 6th July, there will be a 3 day conference at Aylesford on the Dignity of the Human Person through the writings of Edith Stein, Martyr and Saint.  Please see for further information.

Retrouvaille – A Programme for Couples struggling in their marriages: For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the next programme commencing with a Virtual weekend on 6—9th July or a face to face weekend in Welwyn Garden City on 13—15th October, call or text 07887 296983 or 07973 380443 or email or visit  Please also see the notice board.

St Vincent de Paul SocietyIf you are interested in finding out about the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) or joining a local group then please visit

Financial Support: We appreciate your continued care and support for our parish Community.  Parishioners can contribute directly to the Parish bank account: Natwest Bank Beckenham Branch, Sort Code 60-02-12 and Account Number 46000208. Tax payers, please join the Gift Aid programme allowing our parish to increase the value of every donation it receives from tax payers by 25%. We value your assistance in maintaining our wonderful Parish community.  Please note that the name of the Parish Bank Account is RCAS St Anthony of Padua Anerley.  

Funeral Notices: Please check the noticeboard at the Church entrance for details of funerals.

Unsettled/Upset Young Children:

If your child becomes unsettled or upset during the Mass, you are welcome to use the porch area of the Church.  This area has a speaker system and a bench that you can sit on to help comfort/soothe your child/children while still being able to follow the Mass.

Notice Board: Please take time to read the latest information on the notice boards. 

If you would like to book a Mass, there are envelopes at the back of the church.  At present, there are plenty of dates available.

If you have a notice for the Parish Newsletter, please email it to the presbytery ( by the last Thursday of the month. 

Thank you to those who continue to help the Parish in any way. Your help and support is very much appreciated.




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  1. Feria

    September 2

Mass Times

Saturday: 9:30am & 6:00pm
Sunday: 9:30am, 11:15am & 5:30pm Monday: 9:30am
Tuesday: 9:30am
Wednesday: 9:30am
Thursday: 9:30am
Friday: 9:30am

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September 2024
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St Anthony’s Primary School

St Anthony of Padua RC

Established in 1878, revived in 1927 & consecrated on 14th June 1950. We are a registered charity under the Archdiocese of Southwark with Parish Priest Father Sunith Nonis & Assistant Priest Father Stuart Meyer.


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